Can I burn Brush on my property?

To burn brush or small limbs on your property, you need a burning permit. You can obtain a burning permit by calling the town hall at (860) 379-3389. The town hall will give you the number of a burning official on duty. Speak with the burning official to obtain a permit. Permits cost $25

You can not burn; leaves, yard waste, tires, small trailers, pallets, or any other object that does not fit the definition of the brush or small limbs.

Burning without a permit is considered a Class C Misdemeanor. If you burn without a permit or an object that you are not allowed to burn, we will show up and put your fire out.

Where should I put smoke detectors and CO detectors in my home?

Smoke detectors should be placed on every house level that is considered habitable and in the vicinity of each sleeping area.

CO detectors must be installed in sufficient locations to warn the structure's occupants of a CO hazard. In most cases, this means having one near the center of the house on each level considered habitable.

Why are multiple towns called out during the day to a "simple" call?

Most of the towns around us are also volunteers. During the day, most volunteer firefighters are at their day jobs. To be 100% sure there are enough emergency personnel responding, Litchfield County Dispatch calls out multiple departments, even if it may be a "simple" call. This makes sure emergency personnel are always prepared for the worst.

My smoke detector is chirping. What do I do?

There is a difference between the smoke detector alarm and the smoke detector chirp. If you are hearing your smoke detector chirp, it is a sign of low battery. Change the battery if you have an older model. If you have the new 10 yr lifetime detectors, you will need a new detector.

Will the Fire Department pump out the water in my basement?

Yes! We will respond to your home to determine if there is sufficient water to be pumped out. In most cases, our pumps will NOT work with less than 2 inches of water.

Do you give out free smoke detectors or CO detectors?

Yes we do! If your detectors are old or you don't have enough for your home, we will give you one free of charge!

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